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Stubben Saddle, Used Saddles.

15.5 - Stubben Rex Wide Saddle Schooling Package

Regular price $499.00 Sale

15.5” Stubben Rex Medium-Deep Saddle

Flap Measures 12 3/4” L x 12 1/2” W

Wide Tree measures 5.5” Dot-to-Dot

Black/Brown Two Toned Leather

Nice, very supple, brand new cob leather bridle with laced reins

Horka Loose Ring Bit 12.5cm approximately 5”

Composti Matrix Children’s Stirrups with toe cage to keep toe from slipping through

Camelot Children’s Stirrups (dark brown, unfortunately don’t have black)

Bucking Strap

This is a great set up for a family needing to get started on a budget. The Stubben offers a deeper seat with a close contact feel, larger blocks will help the novice rider find their position and stick with it. Under flaps on saddle are stiff and will need some conditioning to supple them back up.

This package includes saddle, bridle, reins, bit, leathers, stirrups, bucking strap.